Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Berry Pickin'

Today, Jason, Joshua, Jonathan, my father and I all went to Brown's Berry Patch ( which is a tradition since I was a child. My grandparents used to own a cottage that my great grandfather built and close to there is Brown's so I have been going there since I was little....we have carried on the tradition of pickin' berries with my boys who had been looking forward to this for a while now. They had a great time even in the rain! Then after, we stopped by the cottage my grandparents used to own, introduced ourselves to the current owners and I gave them a bit of history about the home (they appreciated it) and got my picture taken by the old water pump that I used to play at as a parents have pictures of me as a baby playing by it! It was great!...I love memories and traditions and past-times....precious.

P.S.~ Joshua scored his first goal at soccer today! Great job Buddy!

1 comment:

Michelle Jamie said...

wow how Joshua has changed. Way to go buddy on the goal!