Friday, August 14, 2009

Awaiting Jeremiah

We are 4 days out from my due date and have yet to hold our sweet little man on this side of the womb. Our calendar is strategically empty due to the fact I had all my boys early. Our days are filled with enjoying our oldest two, remembering our third, and awaiting our active fourth. Jeremiah has been "knocking" for 9 days now....contractions consistent but not strong, then strong not consistent, then gone, then back again...perpetual labor. He keeps us guessing, waiting, excited, and reminds us that every day is a gift in womb or out! much like his brother Jacob! :)

So please keep us in prayer as we await the time to proceed to the hospital....we've attempted the trip once after 10 hours of consistent contractions but stopped short as they completely stopped on our way!....please pray for a safe delivery as we attempt a VBAC after 19 months, please pray for the big brothers as their lives take this step yet again into tangible brotherhood, please pray for us all as we await without anxiety but thankfulness for all the seasons life gives us. Thank you and we look forward to sharing Jeremiah with you soon. Love, Karen


Me and my Gurl said...


Prayers are with you All.

I look forward to meeting little Jeremiah.

Stay safe and God Bless


Michelle Jamie said...


My little guys just turned 13 weeks on thursday;)

Staci said...

Can't wait to "meet" him Karen! Praying that everything goes smoothly during the delivery.

Anxious AF said...

Cant wait!!!